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Gaarawarr’s EPIC PQ Crawl #4 – Dwarf Ch 1 thru Ch 22

April 7, 2010

Took me long enough, huh?

Well, almost a year later I finally got around to hosting the last of the EPIC PQ Crawls (at least for now), the one through my homeland:  Dwarf country!

Since it had been so long, there were lots and lots of new faces.  Most of the old ones either aren’t playing WAR anymore or weren’t able to make it due to the holiday weekend.  😦

Once again, something this epic deserves an epic review, so that’s what I’m going to give it.  I’ve got screenshots of (almost) all the Contribution screens to prove we did it all (for some reason the Contribution screen wouldn’t show up for me a couple times, figures), I’ve got pages of notes of the good, the bad and the ugly, and once again it was all done naked (by me at least).

So, for those that don’t want to read the epic portion of the review, here’s a non-epic recap of another epic event so you get the gist of what happened.

Non-Epic Recap

63 PQs Attempted (that’s right, 63, not 64 or 65, Dwarf got robbed!), 12 hours 45 minutes total spent on the crawl, 58 different characters (some may have been alts), ~354 PQ Bags total, 3 bugged PQs with 2 of those being unfinishable.

For those that want the epic version, here goes…

EPIC Recap

I advertised the event on both the Official Forums and the WHA Forums again during the week before the event as well as spreading the word in-game to as many people as I could.

We started the crawl at the famous Pick & Goggles in Mordrin’s Anvil at Midnight PST.

After swilling a nice Dwarven stout, we headed on out into the wild!

Before we get into the recap of the PQs, let’s just get this out there up front:  Dwarf pairing has the best PQs.

Yeah, I said it.

No contest.  They have multiple PQs with Lords as bosses that have epic loot in the bags as well as a ton of Conflict PQs.  What are Conflict PQs?  They’re PQs that you actually have to compete with Destro to win if they’re doing it at the same time.  Flag up and it’s instant RvR PQ goodness if they do the same.

See?  Told you…

PQ #1 – Battle of Bitterstone

AttendanceZwingli, Sarlyna, Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona

The Dwarf PQs start off the way a Dwarf PQ should: by killing Greenskins.  And not just killing, but obliterating them with Dwarf technology.  The finale of the PQ has the Dwarfs firing off Helga, the great Dwarf cannon, into the mountainside which causes an avalanche that sweeps down and entombs the Greenskins.  Good times.

One big difference from my old PQ Crawls and this one was that we could now opt-out of loot rolls.  I totally forgot for the first one, and a handful of the others, but we all tried to opt-out as much as possible.  That made it a lot more fun because the lower-level players with us got lots of good gear.  Now if only they’d add more options to the opt-out feature so we could choose to always opt-out for PvE, RvR, etc…

PQ #2 – Engine Number Nine

Attendance Zwingli, Sarlyna, Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona

What would Dwarf PQs be without beer?  Not only does this PQ have beer, it has a drunken giant that gets mad at you for taking his beer.  I told you Dwarf PQs were the best.

PQ #3 – Durak’s Gate

AttendanceZwingli, Sarlyna, Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona

Ahhh…another wonderful theme of Dwarf PQs: blowing stuff up.  Combine killing greenskins with blowing stuff up and you get good times.

PQ #4 – Murgluk’s Gits

AttendanceErhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Artiee

It’s nice to show up to a PQ and have Stage 1 almost complete.  We had that happen a lot during this one and it just makes things go a bit quicker.  Especially in the later Tiers where Stage 1 is killing anywhere from 125 to 175 mobs.  hehe

PQ #5 – Krom Komar Gap

AttendanceErhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Artiee

Conflict PQ time!  Back when leveling my IB at launch, this was a wild PQ for impromptu PvP.  Stopping Destro from completing Stage 2 when they’d won the first stage was almost as much fun as beating them out in Stage 1 in the first place.  lol.  We didn’t have any competition here though.  😦

PQ #6 – The Siege of Komar

AttendanceErhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Artiee

For some reason, Chapter 3 of Dwarf only has two PQs.  Robbery I tell you!  Anyway, this one was over fast.  Really fast.  Then we had a nice long hike for the next one.  lol

PQ #7 – Marghaz Bloodtoof Ritual

AttendanceErhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Artiee

Stage 2 of this PQ is boring when you’re over-level for it.  lol.  It’s a timed stage, so even if you’re done, you have to sit around and wait.  Oh well, made a good time for a bio break.  hehe

PQ #8 – Traitor’s Watch

Attendance Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna

OK, so this PQ is cool for multiple reasons.  First, the approach.  You literally walk under these giant waterfalls to get to the PQ area, while off to your right is a big lake.  In the middle of the lake is a small island with something on it.  Hmm…wonder what it could be?

While killing people in the PQ, you’ll run into a named NPC who drops an interesting little item and gasps out some final words.

Guess we know what was on the island now, huh?  hehe.  Things like this are one of the cool parts about WAR.  Sadly, the loot in the chest doesn’t support the coolness of the whole thing.  bleh

There’s another cool part of this PQ though: burning stuff down!  Fire…hehe…cool.  Seriously though, they did a good job on the art for these tents going up in flames.  Check it out.

/sigh.  Wish I’d had FRAPS loaded.  It looks even cooler live as the holes grow bigger and things disintegrate right in front of your eyes.  Worth doing this PQ just to see that imo.  :p

PQ #9 – Gutrot Mine

Attendance Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna

Them are some big squigs.  Anyway, another change that made this PQ Crawl different from the first two was the ability to Apprentice people up in ranks.  We took lowbies through the Crawls before, but this made it much easier since they became far more useful when App’d.

There’s still a couple issues with the whole Master/Apprentice thing though.  One is that the App’d player still draws aggro as if they were their regular Rank.  That can be kinda funny at times.  hehe.  The other isn’t so funny though.  There’s no way to know who you’re App’d to if you forget.  Also, if you’re not near them, there’s no way to remove it and switch to someone else.  This caused some headaches along the way, especially at the last PQ, but overall the benefits of having it available outweigh the issues with it.

PQ #10 – Foul Ruins

Attendance Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Firestormm, Drokarn, Akiie, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna

Amazingly enough, we made it out of Tier 1 without ever getting chickened.  That’s a record!  lol

PQ #11 – Oathgold Burrows

AttendanceErhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Lofnn, Akiie, Drokarn, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Firestormm

Hrm…spoke too soon…attack of the chickens…with banners!!!

lol…I’d never seen a chicken with a banner before, so it was worth it to have this happen to me.  :p

We finished the PQ up despite the frequent chickening, got all that sorted out, and moved on to the next one.

PQ #12 – Axerust Peak

Attendance Erhart, Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Akiie, Drokarn, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Sarlyna, Firestormm

One sad thing about this PQ Crawl was that, due to a failed push earlier in the evening, it started while IC was being pushed to Stage 2 for a King Kill.  So some of the people that would have joined were busy and some left during and came back later.  Oh well.  We still rocked right through the first couple Tiers so it wasn’t a huge issue.

PQ #13 – Assault on Coal Ridge Depot


I was a little bummed about this.  I don’t think I’d completed it before.  It was looking to be a cool PQ with the way the area was set up too.  I filed an Appeal when we got to Stage 2 and were missing a Signal Fire and we headed on to the next PQ.  A CSR talked to me about it later and found the missing Signal Fire…underneath the terrain.  /facepalm  So don’t bother with this PQ until the Devs get around to moving it I guess.  Anyway, it wouldn’t be one of my PQ Crawls without a couple broken PQs.  lol

PQ #14 – Marsh Conquest

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Akiie, Drokarn, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Firestormm

OK, so I understand why they adjusted PQs so there are Easy, Normal and Hard ones.  However, it really makes the Easy ones no more than a bit of organized PvE for as quick as you roll through them in a group.  You don’t even really have the time to pay attention to what’s going on and the Boss drops like a sack of potatos.  Meh.

PQ #15 – Battle at Blood Fen

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona, Firestormm

Another great Conflict PQ back when I was leveling up my Dwarf toons.  The NPC reinforcements made this fun PvP even when there weren’t a lot of people around.  hehe

PQ #16 – Bar Dawazbak

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Lofnn, Artiee, Diaspera, Harlik, Aldelona

And another great Conflict PQ.  What makes some of these so much fun is their proximity to a Chapter Hub.  No healer?  Just respawn and come back, it’s not far off.  Speaking of not having a healer, Lofnn was there, but AFK most of the time.  😉

PQ #17 – Gudrim’s Veterans

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Aldelona

I totally got fooled by the map after the last PQ.  It bugged out and showed me a Destro PQ so I was headed there instead.

Silly map.  It did this later in Tier 4 as well.  Luckily, I recognized that one as a Destro PQ and didn’t try to go to it.  lol

PQ #18 – Korgoth’s Raiders

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Aldelona

So, this PQ has a pretty hilarious Stage 2.  Can you say dwarf-sized Gors?  lololololol

It’s gotta be a bug because they’re mixed in with regular-sized ones too.  Still can’t help but laugh every time I’m there.  :p

PQ #19 – Legacy of the Mourkain

AttendanceGundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Valdenheim, Aldelona

So I’ll be honest, if I don’t really mention the PQ at all, it’s because it’s not worth mentioning.  Which would explain me now moving on to the next one…

PQ #20 – Dam Boglars

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Valdenheim, Aldelona, Illflys, Runagone

The boss at this PQ has a ton of health.  I remember grinding this PQ out back in the day for XP and my Armor Set while also getting Boglar kills.  Man was he a pain.  even with two groups of us we sat there and beat on him for quite a while.  hehe

PQ #21 – Tree of Beards

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Valdenheim, Aldelona, Illflys, Runagone, Hayzeus, Mortdefier

This is a scary PQ for a Dwarf.  Not just because of the tree full of Dwarf heads, no…because of these:

Shavers!!!!  Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!   hehe

Once you’re done, there’s another nice use of fire in the game.

Apparently if you have the sound on, it makes a nice screaming sound as it goes up in flames.  I dunno.  I always have the sound off.  >.>

PQ #22 – Neborhest’s Vanguard

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Illflys, Hayzeus, Mortdefier

I was starting to get excited at this point.  Not because of this PQ, which is kinda meh except for the waves of mobs.  They’re kind of cool.  No, but because of the name.  It signals that you’re getting close to the coolest fight in Tier 2: The Tower of Neborhest.  Almost there…

PQ #23 – Agymah’s Lair

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Illflys, Hayzeus, Mortdefier

This PQ is cool.  Very ominous surroundings, liches to kill, etc.  The best part is the end though.  A wall crumbles apart to reveal a hidden room where you do battle with the final boss.  Very nice.

PQ #24 – The Tower of Neborhest

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Illflys, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Drokarn, Kazadori

Mmmm…so what makes this PQ so cool?  How about the fact that you have to fight your way up the tower through multiple undead Heros just to get to the top and run smack into a Vampire Lord.  Yeah.  EPIC.  This is one of only two vampires currently in the game that I know of, so it makes it a must-do PQ.

Oh, and see the color of those bags?  Oh yeah, good stuff.  I didn’t get a screenshot of the loot from the purple or blue bags, but here’s the green which gives an idea of how epic the loot is on this PQ.

The purple bag went to a Warrior Priest.  He linked the Tome that came in it in chat and it had 8 Righteous Fury regen.  Yeah, I said that right.  8.  In Tier 2.  Go.  Go there now.  Farm that PQ and get your phat lootz.  Thank me later.

PQ #25 – Kazad Drung

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Illflys, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Drokarn, Vanessi

And we’re finally in Tier 3.  Yay!  Someone sent me a /tell a bit before this to see where we were then said “oh, so you’re half-way done then?”  ROFL.  Um, no.  Usually all but Chapter 1 have three PQs.  Since this was only the 25th we’d hit, that meant we had almost 40 to go…

PQ #26 – Savage Assault

Attendance Gundli, Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi, Radricc

I spent way too much time at the PQs in this Chapter on my toons while leveling or farming for Armor Sets.  I just put someone on /follow and took a bio and refilled my drink for most of this one I think.  meh

PQ #27 – The Cauldron

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi, Radricc

This one’s a little creepy.  During the Boss fight you have to kill undead Dwarfs.  ~shudder~  Incidentally, this is a great PQ to grind out your Tier 3 PQ Armor Set.

PQ #28 – Troll Island

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Runagone, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi, Radricc

No, not the Trolls from Advice Chat, real Trolls.  hehe

PQ #29 – Fireforge’s Camp

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi, Radricc

Another kinda meh PQ.  It’s proximity to a Greenskin Chapter Hub is it’s only exciting feature.

PQ #30 – Revoltin’ Gobbos

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Radricc, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi

Again, only the close proximity to a Greenskin camp (and Mt. Gunbad) make this one worth mentioning.

PQ #31 – Grimbeard Station

Attendance Boneburner, Gaaawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Radricc, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Mortdefier, Vanessi

So, just as we were finishing up the PQ I said in vent “It’d be awesome if a train actually rolled through here at the end of the PQ.”  Then one did.  Sweet.

Now if they only worked this hard on making all the other aspects of this game as cinematic, it would rock all the time.


So, last time when we went through Elf, we took detours through some of the Lairs.  This time, I took the group to do something that very few ever go do…or even know is there.

We took a walk along The Path of Sigmar.

If you’re interested in following in his footsteps, it’s worth the trip.  You’ll find the semi-secret entrance in Black Fire Pass on the west side of the map behind the giant church.  Now there’s a whole area over there that needs some content thrown in it in my opinion.

Anyway, here’s us at the top.

And yeah, I was bugged through half the Crawl and glowing red.  Good times.

PQ #32 – Moonfang Remnant

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Mortdefier, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Vanessi, Ramj

Now this is a big spider.

Now who brought the Raid?

PQ #33 – Hindelburg

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Mortdefier, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Vanessi, Ramj

All healers should go do this PQ.  It teaches healers a valuable lesson.  Talk smack about how you’re the reason we win and we won’t bother protecting you when you get ganked.  Just sayin’.

PQ #34 – Putrid Tar Pits

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Mortdefier, Goredrivver, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Alkaladur

The end of this PQ was kinda  cool.  You get to fight a group of Winged Nightmares.  You don’t see a lot of those in this game, so it makes this PQ unique.

PQ #35 – Tomb of Kali’Amon

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Harlik, Mortdefier, Goredrivver, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Alkaladur, Relenzz, Raggnarok

I don’t even remember this PQ.  I remember heading down there and that someone went AFK for it, but I don’t remember the boss.  In my defense, I’d been up a while and had a long way to go.  lol

PQ #36 – Skullbreaker Ridge

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Mortdefier, Goredrivver, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Alkaladur, Relenzz, Raggnarok

Again, you roll through the Easy PQs so fast you barely even notice what they are.  bleh

PQ #37 – Bloody Savages


This was the second broken PQ we ran into.  In Stage 2 you are supposed to use these torches to light things on fire and one of the torches could not be interacted with.  About 6 hours later, a CSR got a hold of me and told me they fixed this for me.  I was done with the PQ Crawl so didn’t bother to go back.  hehe

PQ #38 – Skullsmasher’s Boyz

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Artiee, Mortdefier, Goredrivver, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Alkaladur, Relenzz, Raggnarok

This one was funny because he comes in riding on the back of a Wyvern.  He’s a pretty big guy, so I felt sorry for the Wyvern.  Towards the end he calls in all these Boars.  Unfortunately, they bug out and don’t die once you kill him so we just had to ride off and leave them behind once we were done.

PQ #39 – Black Orc Slog

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Mortdefier, Adiala, Nolaloth, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Alkaladur, Zipzang, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart

We had to do this one twice because a couple of the squigs you have to kill in the last stage had teleported through the floor or something.  Anyway, gave us time to take a quick break before heading into Tier 4.  We also started picking up more people, and some returned, as you can see from the list.  :p

PQ #40 – Ambush Pass

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Adiala, Gaarawarr, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Zelart

Protect the beer!!!  Enough said.

PQ #41 – Evil Axis

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Adiala, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Demonsasquatch, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Zelart, Jahzrek

The spot to farm for Ruin gear in Tier 4.  At least, this is where I did it.  hehe

PQ #42 – Plague Mist Vale

Attendance – Boneburner, Artiee, Adiala, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Kallian, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek

This one used to be so much more fun when it was a harder PQ.  Now the guy just kinda falls over.  Of course, three groups of players will do that.  hehe

PQ #43 – Gates of Gung Grimaz

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Adiala, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Kallian, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek

Now this is how Tier 4 should have started.  Dragon PQs always rock.  hehe.  And this guy is a big one.  Always fun.

PQ #44 – Night Riders

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Kallian, Hlad, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Cfi, Thargond

False advertising here.  I saw zero KITTs here.

However, what I did see where fun little orbs of energy.  Run up to them while a group is around you and interact with them.  Instant-party.

PQ #45 – The Sealed Tower

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Kallian, Hlad, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fikxneak, Cfi, Thargond

Another PQ that we just tore right through without me paying too much attention to it.  I did finish off the boss mobs, but only because I was the only one that knew where they spawned.  Had some help at the end though, but I could have taken her!  :p

PQ #46 – Dragon’s Blessing

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Gaarawarr, Acclivus, Goldenbrew, Alvanos, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Zipzang, Kallian, Hlad, Dreadded, Sarlyna, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Cfi, Thargond

This one had more stuff you could blow up.  Always fun.  Definitely needed the amusement as the caffeine just wasn’t working as well as it had earlier.  lol

PQ #47 – Red with Envy

Attendance Boneburner, Gaarawarr, Goldenbrew, Artiee, Kallian, Zipzang, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Alvanos, Dreadded, Erhart, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna

The warband had filled up by this point so I was on cruise control for this PQ.  I just put someone on /follow and grabbed some more Dr Pepper and a snack.  By the time I got back, we were about to head into Cinderfall.

PQ #48 – Emberlight Mine

Attendance Boneburner, Goldenbrew, Artiee, Kallian, Zipzang, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Alvanos, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Thargond, Kaktinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Gaarawarr

I always liked this PQ because you get to delve into what looks like an underground city.  Very cool.  Lots of nice areas in the Dwarf zones like this.  They really, REALLY need a Dwarf-themed dungeon.  hehe

PQ #49 – Ashreaver Tribe Stronghold

Attendance Boneburner, Goldenbrew, Artiee, Kallian, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Alvanos, Dreadded, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart

I’ve done this PQ way too many times for my own good.  I farmed this place for gnoblar kills back in the day on my way to 10,000 kills while we were hunting down an elusive unlock that ended up being broken.  lol.  It’s way easier now.

PQ #50 – The Cult of Drakk

Attendance Boneburner, Goldenbrew, Artiee, Kallian, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Alvanos, Dreadded, Varmon, Jahzrek, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Thorzi

This PQ is kind of fun because you have to go around looting keys to unlock the cages spread around during one of the stages.  I like that type of mechanic and wish they used it more often and in more interesting ways for PQs.  Maybe in the future.

PQ #51 – Ungry Ungry Greenskins

Attendance Boneburner, Goldenbrew, Artiee, Kallian, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Alvanos, Dreadded, Varmon, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Thorzi

I don’t remember a whole lot about this PQ.  Mainly because we were having some issues with the whole Master/Apprentice thing at this point.  We’d consistently had lowbies with us App’d up, but by the time we got here we had at least half the warband App’d.  Ranks ranged from 13 to 40 with people boosted up to various different levels along the way.  That in and of itself wasn’t the issue.  The issue was that the App’d person wouldn’t stay close to their Master, so they’d drop to their regular Rank and then get slaughtered by mobs.  Then they’d respawn instead of waiting for a rez which put them at a Chapter Hub with no way to get back to us safely because they were still their original Rank.

Good times.

These kind of issues continued all the way to the finish of the PQ Crawl.  It wouldn’t have been such a huge deal if we just knew who was boosted by who and could remove it and make it someone else without first getting the original two back together and having them manually remove it.  That just makes the whole thing a pain in the…anyway, on with the PQ Crawl!

PQ #52 – Whoosha’s Boyz

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Nolaloth, Aldelona, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Dreadded, Varmon, Fiksneak, Elariqu, Cfi, Kallian, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Thorzi

This PQ had me laughing.  First because at one point Erhart went link-dead but since he had the most aggro on the mob we were killing, he sat there and tanked it the whole time with the mob not being able to actually kill him since he wasn’t even really there.  lol

Second because of these guys:

Impostas!  Apparently a bunch of gobbos decided it would be a bright idea to dress themselves up in stolen Dwarf armor and fake beards as a way to infiltrate the Dwarf ranks.  Let’s just say that didn’t go over well…

PQ #53 – Peak’s Edge – *The Most EPIC PQ Fight In Warhammer Online*

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Durokon, Nolaloth, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Haliman, Hlad, Oneyetanker, Varmon, Elariqu, Cfi, Kallian, Scabfairy, Fifkain, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Thorzi

Screenshot proves it happened.  The most EPIC pug warband of lowbies and the naked Dwarf tank defeated the single most EPIC PQ in the game.

What makes this PQ so EPIC you ask?  Well, first, it’s not just one PQ.  It’s actually four rolled into one in a rather ingenious piece of crafting.  Well done there.  Completing each of the three sub-PQs actually fires off the final boss encounter.

The boss?  None other than Grimgor Ironhide and his Immortal Bodyguards.  Grimgor is a Rank 39 Lord and his Immortals are all Rank 39 Heros.

I’ll admit it.  We wiped the during the first attempt.  Grimgor was at half health and his Immortals had taken quite a bit of damage, however the Immortals were all enraged at 725%…good times.  However, the final stage of the PQ lasts for 30 minutes.  So we regrouped and came back.  Someone suggested that we put our armor back on at this point and everyone did…well, except for me.  I’m not gonna let some Greenskin force me to not tank naked!  😉

Our second attempt was an incredible feat of coordination and, though I fell in the final few seconds to the onslaught of Grimgor as I tanked him, we were victorious and many a Grudge was avenged.  I must say, I would love to do this one again.  Many times.  Mainly because I’m curious just how EPIC the loot from the purple bags has to be considering the difficulty of the fight.  lol

It’s really too bad that this PQ isn’t the last one in Dwarf as it truly deserves to be the pinnacle of the trek through the Dwarfen Tiers.  Everything was a bit anti-climactic after this…until the actual final PQ that is.  But we’ll get to that soon enough.  hehe

PQ #54 – Ankul Grob

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Durokon, Nolaloth, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Cfi, Kallian, Scabfairy, Oneyetanker, Thargond, Alysandra, Kakatinya, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain

I don’t remember what we did in this PQ.  We were still talking about Peak’s Edge and were just on cruise control I think.

PQ #55 – Venom Lake

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Nolaloth, Cfi, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Scabfairy, Thargond, Alysandra, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain

I thought about having us do the Lair right off this PQ but it would have required me running to the PQ in the middle of the map to get the item you need to get in and then get back without missing a Stage of this one and that just wasn’t going to happen.

PQ #56 – Bait and Hit

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Gaarawarr, Nolaloth, Cfi, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain, Alysandra, Temet

I don’t remember much about this one.  The lack of sleep was catching up to me.  I know there were squig herders involved somehow, but that’s about it.

PQ #57 – Da Great Smashin Pit

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Nolaloth, Cfi, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain, Alysandra, Temet


Ow ow ow ow ow.


This one woke me up.  I think it woke us all up.  Let’s just say that everyone standing together at the spawn point and AOEing away was probably not the smartest move, in retrospect.

During one of the final stages, the mob type changed and up came a group of 8 or so mobs that all like to stomp out an AOE.  A high-damage AOE.  All at the same time.  With all of us clumped up nice and close for them.


Don’t do that.

PQ #58 – Muck Pen

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain, Alsyandra, Temet

This one bugged out and didn’t show me the PQ Roll.  meh.  I think it has to do with dieing towards the end.  Fairly certain that still erases contribution and that then makes it so I don’t see any scoreboard.  Stupid.  They need to just take that out of the game as far as I’m concerned.  Sometimes a key factor in winning a PQ is someone sacrificing themselves for the victory.  Their contribution shouldn’t be wiped because of that.

PQ #59 – Gobbo Carvas

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain, Alsyandra, Temet

I don’t remember much of this PQ at all.  Guess it’s just not that memorable.

PQ #60 – Magister Dhetal

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Gaarawarr, Aldelona, Hayzeus, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Fikfain, Alysandra, Temet

I used to farm this PQ for crafting materials a long time ago.  lol.  Second Stage of this one is extremely easy with any kind of AOE class, so it made it a quick farm.  Still is for that matter.

PQ #61 – The Defiled Anvil

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Aldelona, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Hayzeus, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Alyzandra, Temet, Gaarawarr

I don’t remember this PQ.  Like, at all.  Sleep deprivation is bad, mmkay?

PQ #62 – Poisonwing Canyon

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Thorzi, Goredrivver, Aldelona, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Eyer, Bede, Simmr, Hayzeus, Thargond, Sarlyna, Erhart, Alysandra, Temet, Gaarawarr

Oh look!  Easter Eggs!  lol.  We smashed them all open to try to find candy, but there was none.  😦

PQ #63 – Dammaz Skar

Attendance Boneburner, Artiee, Zipzang, Cfi, Eyer, Drokarn, Aldelona, Raggnarok, Varmon, Kallian, Bedey, Tyia, Thargond, Sarlyna, Temet, Gaarawarr

OK, so we failed on this on our first attempt.  Too many of the little Engineer died apparently.  meh.

Second attempt we spread out a little more and sent a guard with them during parts of their runs and it worked.  The third stage had me worried though because it looks like you have to reach 500 Grudges but, in fact, you don’t.  I’m told the amount you get affects the difficulty of the final Boss though, so rack up as many as possible.

The final boss is across the canyon and up on the hill.  He’s aided by four Shaman (aren’t all Greenskins? bastards…hehe).  During the fight, it appeared as if the Shamans were summoning alternately Gork and Mork to help the boss beat us down.  lol.  Awesome!

We worked hard on him and with quite a few mid-combat rez’s from our great healers, we were able to bring him down on our first try!

Once everyone had grabbed their loot, we lined up for one last screenshot.

So, almost 13 hours after we’d begun, we were finally done!  Despite having fewer PQs than the other Pairings, this one took the longest to complete.  Part of it is because the PQs are just all over the maps but part is because so many of them are just epicly long and difficult, which is a good thing!

I have to say, I really want to go back and do some of these PQs over again.  Mainly these:  The Tower of Neborhest and Peak’s Edge.  Those two are just full of win.  Neborhest is more because I want my Vampire kills and to see what kind of loot comes out of the rest of those bags.  Peak’s Edge, well, that one’s obvious.  😉

The Wingman Award

Last time I gave out three Wingman Awards to the people that stuck it out with me throughout the entire Crawl.  Only one did so the first PQ Crawl.

This time around, 2 people did it: Boneburner and Aldelona, the Witch Hunters.

Hey, if a Dwarf’s gonna have a couple people watching his back for 13 hours straight, it may as well be Witch Hunters.  😉

Honorary Mention goes to Sarlyna and Erhart, Drokarn, and Artiee.  They came and went a couple times during the evening for King Kills or a nap but were there for the majority of the run keeping me good company.

My thanks to all of you for coming out and joining a crazy, naked Dwarf in his travels.  We had a great turnout!

Full Attendance List (In Alphabetical Order):

  1. Acclivus
  2. Adiala
  3. Akiie
  4. Aldelona
  5. Alkaladur
  6. Alvanos
  7. Alysandra the Respawner…hehe
  8. Artiee
  9. Bede
  10. Boneburner
  11. Cfi
  12. Demonsasquatch
  13. Diaspera
  14. Dreadded
  15. Drokarn
  16. Durokon
  17. Elariqu
  18. Erhart the BW Tank
  19. Eyer
  20. Fikfain/Fiksneak
  21. Firestormm
  22. Gaarawarr the Sleepless
  23. Goldenbrew
  24. Goredrivver
  25. Gundli
  26. Haliman
  27. Harlik
  28. Hayzeus
  29. Hlad
  30. Illflys
  31. Jahzrek
  32. Kakatinya
  33. Kallian
  34. Kazadori
  35. Lofnn
  36. Mortdefier
  37. Nolaloth
  38. Oneyetanker
  39. Radricc
  40. Raggnarok
  41. Ramj
  42. Relenzz
  43. Runagone
  44. Sarlyna the Ever-Rezzing
  45. Scabfairy
  46. Simmr
  47. Temet
  48. Thargond
  49. Thorzi
  50. Tyia
  51. Valdenheim
  52. Vanessi
  53. Varmon
  54. Vendris
  55. Zelart
  56. Zipzang
  57. Zwingli

So, that’s it.  The EPIC write-up for the 4th of the EPIC PQ Crawls.  I don’t know that the Zandri Crawl was as EPIC as it should have been though, so I’m thinking of doing that one again.  I like the idea of Destro finally being able to come out and attempt to stop us…and possibly being successful.  hehe

Until then, like last time, I’m going to work on earning my tokens.  New ones this time, Emblems and Crests where last time it was Medallions and Insignias.  lol.  Nothing changes huh?  Also still need to finish some of my Armor Sets, including Tyrant which has been teasing me often as of late.  The pieces drop, but I always lose the loot roll.  😦

Until next time, remember it’s a game and try to have some fun!

PQ Crawl Archive

  1. Empire
  2. Elf
  3. Zandri
13 Comments leave one →
  1. April 7, 2010 9:08 am

    Point of Order…. I was also nakked for Grimgor Ironhide.

    • gaarawarr permalink
      April 7, 2010 1:57 pm

      haha, sorry man. Was too busy getting beaten down by him to notice. 😉

  2. April 7, 2010 9:47 am

    Awesome list. I can’t wait to get that high and discover all that stuff. Btw good luck at Mythic tomorrow. Show them your cool beard and challange them to a Nike run

    • gaarawarr permalink
      April 7, 2010 10:23 pm

      They’ve seen the beard before but I am taking my running gear. Gotta hit my training runs still.

  3. Skaeljorn permalink
    April 7, 2010 12:20 pm

    Sounds epic. Almost worth rolling an Order toon just to play some of those.

  4. Krosuss permalink
    April 7, 2010 4:35 pm

    Awesome writeup! I’m sorry I couldn’t go. I did go on that King run but was pooped after. (A 3 a.m. start? Really? LOL)

    My guild has been setting up different PvE events and Tome Unlock events lately. One recent event was a PQ crawl. We had about 8 guildies sign up and after some discussion the Dwarf/Greenskin pairing was selected. We didn’t even get halfway finished but had a heck of a time. In the three hours we did this I received about 8 different “naked” titles.

    We had the same problem with the Assault on Coal Ridge Depot PQ. One of my guildies said exactly what you mention … that the last torch was below the geometry or something.

    We hope to get another one of these going where we can pick up where we left off … which was at the Tree of Beards PQ.

  5. April 7, 2010 5:26 pm

    When Gaar was reminding everyone that the Apprentice needed to stay near there masters, Boneburner replyed, “i been followin a bikini wearin female dwarf most of the day”

  6. Tyrgrim permalink
    April 7, 2010 7:04 pm

    Looks like it was a great time, to bad I wasn’t able to make it. But atleast there was an Iron Phoenix presence near the end. My guys had fun, plans for anymore count us in.

  7. Kaz permalink
    April 7, 2010 11:52 pm

    I was on Fikfain. Nice writeup. I know that one thing that really helped the lowbies (sub-20) keep up with their Masters (and thereby stay at lvl 40) was to run them all in a single group with a banner. Once I would shepherd them with my guild banner run-speed, they usually fared a lot better between PQs. Otherwise, the Master mounts up, the Apprentice lags behind at foot speed/30s sprint delay and then dies to a trash mob on the route.

  8. Eterninox permalink
    April 8, 2010 5:02 pm

    Bloody hell, Grimgor Ironhide is in the game, and is killable? 😮 Oh well, I suppose it’s about as lore-ravaging as the “killability” of Gotrek or Engra Deathsword. Anyway, what did he look and feel like? Did he have voice-overed flavour lines (right, I wish…) or a special model?

    Regardless, awesome write-up Gaar, too bad there is likely no one on the destro side to do something similar…

    • gaarawarr permalink
      April 9, 2010 7:46 pm

      I did not get screenshots as I was too busy being impressed. lol. If I ever get a chance to do it again, I’ll definitely take some. It truly is a great Boss Fight just because it’s not easy to figure out how to beat. I rarely play with the sound on so have no clue if there were any cool voiceovers. He is a rather impressive model though.

  9. Silentwolf permalink
    April 10, 2010 11:56 pm

    Too bad I couldnt have gotten mine done as easy I had to solo most of mine on my Ironbreaker at the least all the ones I could do solo.

  10. Sarlyna permalink
    April 23, 2010 8:39 pm

    Heheh, that was fun. Can’t wait to do some more in the future.

    “Sarlyna the Ever-Rezzing?”
    Catchy, they should have that title in WAR 😛

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